Sometimes some very precious stones in nature have the equivalent of low value, and when ignorant people who are not proficient in recognizing the stone look at them, they mistakenly confuse the small stone with the precious stone. Fraudsters and profiteers use the same issue and deceive people with it. The field of jewelry is a separate branch of archeology and has its own science in universities. Jewelry and stones Tourmaline stone: A crystalline stone in yellow, red, and purple colors that is mined in Brazil, Burma, the United States, and Siberia. Round stone has two general forms. It is mountainous and desert, in the shape of a crystal, which has a glitter, and the unique pearl in the shell is also called emerald. One of the types of green alumina, which is an old stone, and the more colorful it is, the more precious it is. Diamond: one Precious stones, which are crystalline pure carbon, are found in India, Brazil, Africa, and some other countries in crystalline form in ores, sometimes colorless and sometimes in green, red, blue, pink, and black. The colorless type is in the row of precious stones and is more abundant than other colors, but all its colors are precious. The larger and cleaner the diamond, the more precious it is. Diamond strings all objects and is polished only with its special pollen. Its industrial type is used in glass cutting. Ruby: It is a kind of precious stone that is obtained from the mine in red, yellow, blue, green and white colors. Its red and transparent type is one of the best stones available after diamonds, and the bigger and more colorful it is, the more precious it is. In ancient Persian, it was also called yakand, which is a plural of rubies. Romance = Coarse and red ruby is like raw pomegranate ruby is an allusion to the beloved's lips. Emerald: A type of colored alumina such as emerald yellow or green, which is an old stone and is used in jewelry making, and the most famous is green. It is found in the United States, Brazil, Australia and Russia. Lal: One of the red gemstones Like ruby, it is a kind of colored alumina and is found in nature. Badakhshan pearl is one of the most famous of them. Amber: The gum of some cypress and pine trees, which is produced from ancient times and hardens like stone and comes in different colors of yellow, red and white. It is electrically rubbed and melts at 278 degrees Celsius and then burns in a dark color and dissolves in water, alcohol and turpentine ink. One of the types of charcoal linoleum is hard and shiny and it is well polished and used in jewelry. Opal: A type of amorphous quartz in different colors. The best type is red or cherry and is used as a gemstone in jewelry. The type that is obtained in Yemen and is red is known as Yemeni agate or Yemeni, which is mostly a ring jewel and its unit is agate. Turquoise: one From precious stones to sky blue colors that are extracted from the mine and most of the ring jewels are obtained from it and are obtained in Neishabour, Kerman, Fars and Azerbaijan. The best of it is obtained from a mineral from Neishabour and it is called Turquoise Boashaghi. Jade: It is a stone similar to opal or rough ancestor in different colors of blue, dark green and its soap color can also be found. Azure: Mineral stones in sky or bright blue color, which has been polished, is used in painting and has also been used in ancient medicine. In Arabic it is called Lazurd. Mortar: Liturgical stone, lead ink, is a red or yellow body more than lead and tin. It is used to make ointment and it is also called dead stone. Pearl: A white, shiny gem that grows inside oysters. When a particle of sand is placed between the oyster and its mantle, the animal gradually secretes calcareous material around that particle and gradually pearls are made. It starts as large as a neutral seed and is as big as a pigeon owl and is caught in the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean. Precious stones are attractive mineral stones that are used to make jewelry after cutting and polishing. The value of these stones is related to their color, shine or rarity. These stones have always been in a valuable place throughout history, especially in the East, where they have been used for ornaments in ceremonial and religious celebrations. The Bible says that in ancient civilizations far away from these jewels were used as rings, necklaces, bracelets, crowns, crowns of kings and their clothing and courtiers and priests. Usually, gems and jewelry are divided into several categories. , And jewelry is basically the decorative species of gems, which are classified into two main parts, "precious mineral stones and gems".
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