
Grouping : Professional

Benefits of sandblasting with matte and glossy mesh

What is Sandblast? Matte and matte, regardless of the abrasive accelerator, the term sandblasting refers to the process of throwing sand through air pressure. This method uses compressed air as an energy source to clean and prepare the surface and directs a high-p...

the writer : Talashgaran site management
Grouping : Professional

What is Quartz?

Macrocrystalline or crystallized quartz is a rock that contains crystallized and compacted crystals in a crystalline state and has a modern form. This type of handle is clearer and larger than cryptocrystals. This category has different types ...

the writer : Talashgaran site management
Grouping : Professional

What is the problem?Copper amount

For example, a high hardness mineral used in the sandblasting industry to prepare and clean surfaces. At the time of iron separation from the iron furnace; Are separated from iron ore impurities. During smelting in the factory, the grout impurity floats on the molten...

the writer : Talashgaran site management
Grouping : Professional

Introduction and evaluation of precious and mineral stones

Sometimes some very precious stones in nature have the equivalent of low value, and when ignorant people who are not proficient in recognizing the stone look at them, they mistakenly confuse the small stone with the precious stone. Fraudsters and profiteers use the s...

the writer : Talashgaran site management